Online Volunteers


”Online Volunteers” a NGO in Special Consultative Status with‘’Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC)” which was launched in 2014.
We are inspiring the youth to contribute for peace and development by online.
To make strengthen national capacities in the field of youth and to increase the quality and quantity of opportunities available to young people for full, effective and constructive participation in society.
Company Overview
The Online Volunteers (OV) programme is the organization that promotes volunteerism to support peace and development worldwide. We believe volunteerism can transform the pace and nature of development and it benefits both society at large and the individual volunteer. OV contributes to peace and development by advocating for volunteerism globally, encouraging partners to integrate volunteerism into development programming, and mobilizing volunteers.
The OV Online Volunteering service connects volunteers with organizations working for sustainable human development. Volunteers contribute their skills online to help organizations address development challenges.
Take action for development
Hundreds of opportunities are available
1) Join hands with people from across the globe.
2) Unleash your talents to help address challenges faced by developing countries.
3) Engage in the work of grassroots organizations, international NGOs, local governments, educational institutions and United Nations agencies.
4) Experience the flexibility of volunteering online.
Our Activities:
1) Our main work in the United Nations as online Volunteer. We will take the best opportunity from the UN and perform with our best.
2) We also perform different world volunteering opportunities.
3) We will discuss about different opportunities and social issues.
4) We will create some online or virtual event (It is very unique and new).
5) Open discuss about our stories and thinking. And get connected to all over the world.
General Information
Volunteering brings benefits to both society at large and the individual volunteer. It makes important contributions, economically as well as socially. It contributes to a more cohesive society by building trust and reciprocity among citizens.
The online Volunteers (OV) programme is the organization that supports sustainable human development globally through the promotion of volunteerism, including the mobilization of volunteers. It serves the causes of peace and development by enhancing opportunities for participation by all peoples. It is universal, inclusive and embraces volunteer action in all its diversity. It values free will, commitment, engagement and solidarity, which are the foundations of volunteerism.
Attachment and work:
1) Accepted in the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2014).
2) work as partner with of the United Nations Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth.
3) Official Partner of My world 2015.
4) Organizer of Online Volunteers + Social Good+ Virtual Summit5) Join Partnership with Volunteers With srilanka (VWS) in some Srilankan development Project.
6) Participated in the my My world Campaign in the UN Headquarter.
7) Partnership With IIMUN (Indian Model of United Nations).
8) Volunteerism Partnership with Bangladesh summit on Sustainable Deelopment.
9) Official partner member of Civicus: World Alliance for Citizen Participation.




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